Holes in the net: reports and media coverage discussing EU fisheries control and potential weaknesses

Date: September 3, 2019

Launch today:Numerous reports and articles in the media discuss potential weaknesses in the application of measures within the EU’s fisheries control system, the rules which govern how seafood is caught in or by the EU and is sold in its market. This information is important for highlighting areas where improvements are needed, particularly given that aspects of the Fisheries Control Regulation are currently being revised by the European Parliament. A group of NGOs—which include the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements, ClientEarth, the Environmental Justice Foundation, The Fisheries Secretariat, Oceana, Our Fish, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Seas at Risk and WWF—have created a map that showcases the weaknesses presented in the reports and media coverage relevant to EU Member States. Calling attention to the urgent need for effectively implemented fisheries control measures, this group of NGOs works with key decision makers and stakeholders to ensure the EU will deliver a robust control system.

To view the map, please click here.

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