Two advisory councils urge European Commission to fight flags of convenience

Date: October 21, 2021

Source: SeaFoodSource

Two advisory councils to the European Commission are pushing it to take more action against “flags of convenience.”

The Long-Distance Fisheries Advisory Council (LDAC), comprised of 50 organizations from a dozen E.U. member-states, represents the seafood industry and other industries and interests involved in Europe’s distant-water fishing sector. The Market Advisory Council (MAC) represents the seafood value-chain and has 59 members in 12 member-states. Both have status as formal advisory bodies for the European Union on matters relating to fisheries agreements with third countries, trade relations and the international market for fishery products, and relations with regional fisheries organizations to which the E.U. is a contracting party.

The two groups released a joint opinion on 8 October urging the European Union to boost its leadership in eradicating a currently legal process where countries allow marine vessels, including fishing vessels, to use their flag without adequate monitoring of activity.

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